Construct: ORF ccsbBroad304_12871

Construct Description:

Construct Type:
Other Identifiers:
ORF007227.1_s304c1, BRDN0000400539
Derived from:
DNA Barcode:
Epitope Tag:
No stop codon in insert

Originally Annotated References:

LINGO1 (84894)

Vector Information:

Vector Backbone:
Pol II Cassette 1:
Pol II Cassette 2:
Selection Marker:
Visible Reporter:
Epitope Tag:

Current transcripts matched by this ORF:

Taxon Gene Symbol Description Transcript Nuc. Match %[?] Prot. Match %[?] Match Diffs[?]
1 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_001301186.1 100% 100%
2 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_001301187.1 100% 100%
3 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_001301189.2 100% 100%
4 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_001301191.2 100% 100%
5 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_001301192.2 100% 100%
6 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_001301194.2 100% 100%
7 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_001301195.2 100% 100%
8 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_001301197.1 100% 100%
9 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_001301198.1 100% 100%
10 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_001301199.1 100% 100%
11 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_001301200.2 100% 100%
12 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... XM_011522118.2 100% 100%
13 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... XM_017022682.1 100% 100%
14 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... XM_024450091.1 100% 100%
15 human 84894 LINGO1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_032808.7 99% 99% 1_18del
16 mouse 235402 Lingo1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_181074.4 92% 99.3% (many diffs)
17 mouse 235402 Lingo1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... XM_006511088.3 92% 99.3% (many diffs)
18 mouse 235402 Lingo1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... XM_006511089.3 92% 99.3% (many diffs)
19 mouse 235402 Lingo1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... XM_006511090.3 92% 99.3% (many diffs)
20 mouse 235402 Lingo1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... XM_017313333.1 92% 99.3% (many diffs)
21 mouse 235402 Lingo1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... XM_017313334.1 92% 99.3% (many diffs)
22 mouse 235402 Lingo1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... XM_017313335.1 92% 99.3% (many diffs)
23 mouse 235402 Lingo1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... XM_017313336.1 92% 99.3% (many diffs)
24 mouse 235402 Lingo1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... NM_001311076.1 91.1% 98.3% (many diffs)
25 mouse 235402 Lingo1 leucine rich repeat and Ig ... XM_006511086.2 87.3% 94.2% (many diffs)
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Sequence Information

Note: uppercase bases indicate empirically verified sequence.

ORF start:
ORF end:
ORF length:
1ggtctatata agcagagctc tctggctaac tgtcgggatc aacaagtttg tacaaaaaag
61ttggcatgct ggcggggggc gtgaggagca tgcccagccc cctcctggcc tgctggcagc
121ccatcctcct gctggtgctg ggctcagtgc tgtcaggctc ggccacgggc tgcccgcccc
181gctgcgagtg ctccgcccag gaccgcgctg tgctgtgcca ccgcaagcgc tttgtggcag
241tccccgaggg catccccacc gagacgcgcc tgctggacct aggcaagaac cgcatcaaaa
301cgctcaacca ggacgagttc gccagcttcc cgcacctgga ggagctggag ctcaacgaga
361acatcgtgag cgccgtggag cccggcgcct tcaacaacct cttcaacctc cggacgctgg
421gtctccgcag caaccgcctg aagctcatcc cgctaggcgt cttcactggc ctcagcaacc
481tgaccaagct ggacatcagc gagaacaaga tcgttatcct actggactac atgtttcagg
541acctgtacaa cctcaagtca ctggaggttg gcgacaatga cctcgtctac atctctcacc
601gcgccttcag cggcctcaac agcctggagc agctgacgct ggagaaatgc aacctgacct
661ccatccccac cgaggcgctg tcccacctgc acggcctcat cgtcctgagg ctccggcacc
721tcaacatcaa tgccatccgg gactactcct tcaagaggct gtaccgactc aaggtcttgg
781agatctccca ctggccctac ttggacacca tgacacccaa ctgcctctac ggcctcaacc
841tgacgtccct gtccatcaca cactgcaatc tgaccgctgt gccctacctg gccgtccgcc
901acctagtcta tctccgcttc ctcaacctct cctacaaccc catcagcacc attgagggct
961ccatgttgca tgagctgctc cggctgcagg agatccagct ggtgggcggg cagctggccg
1021tggtggagcc ctatgccttc cgcggcctca actacctgcg cgtgctcaat gtctctggca
1081accagctgac cacactggag gaatcagtct tccactcggt gggcaacctg gagacactca
1141tcctggactc caacccgctg gcctgcgact gtcggctcct gtgggtgttc cggcgccgct
1201ggcggctcaa cttcaaccgg cagcagccca cgtgcgccac gcccgagttt gtccagggca
1261aggagttcaa ggacttccct gatgtgctac tgcccaacta cttcacctgc cgccgcgccc
1321gcatccggga ccgcaaggcc cagcaggtgt ttgtggacga gggccacacg gtgcagtttg
1381tgtgccgggc cgatggcgac ccgccgcccg ccatcctctg gctctcaccc cgaaagcacc
1441tggtctcagc caagagcaat gggcggctca cagtcttccc tgatggcacg ctggaggtgc
1501gctacgccca ggtacaggac aacggcacgt acctgtgcat cgcggccaac gcgggcggca
1561acgactccat gcccgcccac ctgcatgtgc gcagctactc gcccgactgg ccccatcagc
1621ccaacaagac cttcgctttc atctccaacc agccgggcga gggagaggcc aacagcaccc
1681gcgccactgt gcctttcccc ttcgacatca agaccctcat catcgccacc accatgggct
1741tcatctcttt cctgggcgtc gtcctcttct gcctggtgct gctgtttctc tggagccggg
1801gcaagggcaa cacaaagcac aacatcgaga tcgagtatgt gccccgaaag tcggacgcag
1861gcatcagctc cgccgacgcg ccccgcaagt tcaacatgaa gatgatatgc ccaactttct
1921tgtacaaagt ggttggtaag cctatcccta accctctcct cggtctcgat tctacgtagt
1981aatgagctag cgctaaccgg tggcgcgtta agtcgacaat caacctctgg atta

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