Construct: ORF ccsbBroad304_00568

Construct Description:

Construct Type:
Other Identifiers:
ORF011673.1_s304c1, BRDN0000401141
Derived from:
DNA Barcode:
Epitope Tag:
No stop codon in insert

Originally Annotated References:

FHL2 (2274)

Vector Information:

Vector Backbone:
Pol II Cassette 1:
Pol II Cassette 2:
Selection Marker:
Visible Reporter:
Epitope Tag:

Current transcripts matched by this ORF:

Taxon Gene Symbol Description Transcript Nuc. Match %[?] Prot. Match %[?] Match Diffs[?]
1 human 2274 FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_001039492.3 100% 100%
2 human 2274 FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_001318894.1 100% 100%
3 human 2274 FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_001318895.3 100% 100%
4 human 2274 FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_001318896.2 100% 100%
5 human 2274 FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_001374399.1 100% 100%
6 human 2274 FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_001450.4 100% 100%
7 human 2274 FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_201555.2 100% 100%
8 human 2274 FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_201557.4 100% 100%
9 human 2274 FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_001318899.2 61.2% 61.2% 0_1ins324
10 human 2274 FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_001318897.2 59.1% 59.1% 0_1ins342
11 human 2274 FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_001318898.2 59.1% 59.1% 0_1ins342
12 mouse 14200 Fhl2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_001289533.1 87.2% 92.1% (many diffs)
13 mouse 14200 Fhl2 four and a half LIM domains 2 NM_010212.4 87.2% 92.1% (many diffs)
14 mouse 14200 Fhl2 four and a half LIM domains 2 XM_011238434.2 87.2% 92.1% (many diffs)
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Sequence Information

Note: uppercase bases indicate empirically verified sequence.

ORF start:
ORF end:
ORF length:
1ggtctatata agcagagctc tctggctaac tgtcgggatc aacaagtttg tacaaaaaag
61ttggcatgac tgagcgcttt gactgccacc attgcaacga atctctcttt ggcaagaagt
121acatcctgcg ggaggagagc ccctactgcg tggtgtgctt tgagaccctg ttcgccaaca
181cctgcgagga gtgtgggaag cccatcggct gtgactgcaa ggacttgtct tacaaggacc
241ggcactggca tgaagcctgt ttccactgct cgcagtgcag aaactcactg gtggacaagc
301cctttgctgc caaggaggac cagctgctct gtacagactg ctattccaac gagtactcat
361ccaagtgcca ggaatgcaag aagaccatca tgccaggtac ccgcaagatg gagtacaagg
421gcagcagctg gcatgagacc tgcttcatct gccaccgctg ccagcagcca attggaacca
481agagtttcat ccccaaagac aatcagaatt tctgtgtgcc ctgctatgag aaacaacatg
541ccatgcagtg cgttcagtgc aaaaagccca tcaccacggg aggggtcact taccgggagc
601agccctggca caaggagtgc ttcgtgtgca ccgcctgcag gaagcagctg tctgggcagc
661gcttcacagc tcgcgatgac tttgcctact gcctgaactg cttctgtgac ttgtatgcca
721agaagtgtgc tgggtgcacc aaccccatca gcggacttgg tggcacaaaa tacatctcct
781ttgaggaacg gcagtggcat aacgactgct ttaactgtaa gaagtgctcc ctctcactgg
841tggggcgtgg cttcctcaca gagagggacg acatcctgtg ccccgactgt gggaaagaca
901tctgcccaac tttcttgtac aaagtggttg gtaagcctat ccctaaccct ctcctcggtc
961tcgattctac gtagtaatga gctagcgcta accggtggcg cgttaagtcg acaatcaacc

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