Construct: ORF ccsbBroad304_02932

Construct Description:

Construct Type:
Other Identifiers:
ORF003388.1_s304c1, BRDN0000411329
Derived from:
DNA Barcode:
Epitope Tag:
No stop codon in insert

Originally Annotated References:

FBXL3 (26224)

Vector Information:

Vector Backbone:
Pol II Cassette 1:
Pol II Cassette 2:
Selection Marker:
Visible Reporter:
Epitope Tag:

Current transcripts matched by this ORF:

Taxon Gene Symbol Description Transcript Nuc. Match %[?] Prot. Match %[?] Match Diffs[?]
1 human 26224 FBXL3 F-box and leucine rich repe... NM_012158.4 100% 100%
2 human 26224 FBXL3 F-box and leucine rich repe... XM_005266336.1 100% 100%
3 human 26224 FBXL3 F-box and leucine rich repe... XM_005266337.3 64.4% 64.4% 0_1ins456
4 human 26224 FBXL3 F-box and leucine rich repe... XM_017020538.2 54.7% 51.8% (many diffs)
5 mouse 50789 Fbxl3 F-box and leucine-rich repe... NM_015822.2 89.2% 97.1% (many diffs)
6 mouse 50789 Fbxl3 F-box and leucine-rich repe... XM_006519239.3 89.2% 97.1% (many diffs)
7 mouse 50789 Fbxl3 F-box and leucine-rich repe... XM_006519241.3 89.2% 97.1% (many diffs)
8 mouse 50789 Fbxl3 F-box and leucine-rich repe... NM_001347600.1 78.8% 85.9% (many diffs)
9 mouse 50789 Fbxl3 F-box and leucine-rich repe... NM_001347601.1 78.8% 85.9% (many diffs)
10 mouse 50789 Fbxl3 F-box and leucine-rich repe... XM_006519240.3 78.8% 85.9% (many diffs)
11 mouse 50789 Fbxl3 F-box and leucine-rich repe... XM_006519243.3 58.1% 64.2% (many diffs)
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Sequence Information

Note: uppercase bases indicate empirically verified sequence.

ORF start:
ORF end:
ORF length:
1ggtctatata agcagagctc tctggctaac tgtcgggatc aacaagtttg tacaaaaaag
61ttggcatgaa acgaggagga agagatagtg accgtaattc atcagaagaa ggaactgcag
121agaaatccaa gaaactgagg actacaaatg agcattctca gacttgtgat tggggtaatc
181tccttcagga cattattctc caagtattta aatatttgcc tcttcttgac cgggctcatg
241cttcacaagt ttgccgcaac tggaaccagg tatttcacat gcctgacttg tggagatgtt
301ttgaatttga actgaatcag ccagctacat cttatttgaa agctacccat ccagagctga
361tcaaacagat tattaaaaga cattcaaacc atctacaata tgtcagcttc aaggtggaca
421gcagcaagga atcagctgaa gcagcttgtg atatactatc gcaacttgtg aattgctctt
481taaaaacact tggacttatt tcaactgctc gaccaagctt tatggattta ccaaagtctc
541actttatctc tgcactgaca gttgtgttcg taaactccaa atccctgtct tcgcttaaga
601tagatgatac tccagtagat gatccatctc tcaaagtact agtggccaac aatagtgata
661cactcaagct gttgaaaatg agcagctgtc ctcatgtctc tccagcaggt atcctttgtg
721tggctgatca gtgtcacggc ttaagagaac tagccctgaa ctaccactta ttgagtgatg
781agttgttact tgcattgtct tctgaaaaac atgttcgatt agaacatttg cgcattgatg
841tagtcagtga gaatcctgga cagacacact tccatactat tcagaagagt agctgggatg
901ctttcatcag acattcaccc aaagtgaact tagtgatgta ttttttttta tatgaagaag
961aatttgaccc cttctttcgc tatgaaatac ctgccaccca tctgtacttt gggagatcag
1021taagcaaaga tgtgcttggc cgtgtgggaa tgacatgccc tagactggtt gaactagtag
1081tgtgtgcaaa tggattacgg ccacttgatg aagagttaat tcgcattgca gaacgttgca
1141aaaatttgtc agctattgga ctaggggaat gtgaagtctc atgtagtgcc tttgttgagt
1201ttgtgaagat gtgtggtggc cgcctatctc aattatccat tatggaagaa gtactaattc
1261ctgaccaaaa gtatagtttg gagcagattc actgggaagt gtccaagcat cttggtaggg
1321tgtggtttcc cgacatgatg cccacttggt acccaacttt cttgtacaaa gtggttggta
1381agcctatccc taaccctctc ctcggtctcg attctacgta gtaatgagct agcgctaacc
1441ggtggcgcgt taagtcgaca atcaacctct ggatta

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