Construct: ORF ccsbBroad304_04151

Construct Description:

Construct Type:
Other Identifiers:
ORF008557.1_s304c1, BRDN0000461038
Derived from:
DNA Barcode:
Epitope Tag:
No stop codon in insert

Originally Annotated References:

PAQR6 (79957)

Vector Information:

Vector Backbone:
Pol II Cassette 1:
Pol II Cassette 2:
Selection Marker:
Visible Reporter:
Epitope Tag:

Current transcripts matched by this ORF:

Taxon Gene Symbol Description Transcript Nuc. Match %[?] Prot. Match %[?] Match Diffs[?]
1 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_001272104.2 100% 100%
2 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_198406.3 100% 100%
3 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_001272105.2 99.1% 99.1% 41_42insGGTCCCCCG
4 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_006711546.2 75.2% 58.2% 760_830del;1104_1371del
5 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_006711547.4 75.2% 58.2% 760_830del;1104_1371del
6 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_006711548.4 70% 53% 0_1ins72;688_758del;1032_1299del
7 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_001272107.2 69.1% 69.1% 0_1ins318
8 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_001272108.2 67.7% 67.7% 178_179ins333
9 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NR_073610.2 53.5% (many diffs)
10 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_024897.3 52% 35.6% 0_1ins318;442_512del;786_1053del
11 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_006711552.3 50.9% 34.5% 178_179ins333;427_497del;771_1038del
12 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_006711553.4 50.9% 34.5% 178_179ins333;427_497del;771_1038del
13 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XR_002957631.1 49.8% 1_126del;637_638ins97;1062_1778del
14 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XR_001737427.1 48% (many diffs)
15 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XR_001737428.2 46.5% (many diffs)
16 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_001272106.1 41% 11.2% (many diffs)
17 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_001272109.1 28% 14.5% 0_1ins667;366_633del
18 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_001272110.2 28% 14.5% 0_1ins667;366_633del
19 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_001272111.2 28% 14.5% 0_1ins667;366_633del
20 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_001272112.1 28% 14.5% 0_1ins667;366_633del
21 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_001272113.1 28% 14.5% 0_1ins667;366_633del
22 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_005245494.4 28% 14.5% 0_1ins667;366_633del
23 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_024449879.1 28% 14.5% 0_1ins667;366_633del
24 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_024449880.1 28% 14.5% 0_1ins667;366_633del
25 human 79957 PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_024449881.1 28% 14.5% 0_1ins667;366_633del
26 mouse 68957 Paqr6 progestin and adipoQ recept... NM_198410.3 83.5% 87.2% (many diffs)
27 mouse 68957 Paqr6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_017319706.1 79.9% 82.6% (many diffs)
28 mouse 68957 Paqr6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_006502007.2 77.9% 81.3% (many diffs)
29 mouse 68957 Paqr6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_006502010.3 77.9% 81.3% (many diffs)
30 mouse 68957 Paqr6 progestin and adipoQ recept... XM_006502009.3 74.9% 78.1% (many diffs)
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Sequence Information

Note: uppercase bases indicate empirically verified sequence.

ORF start:
ORF end:
ORF length:
1ggtctatata agcagagctc tctggctaac tgtcgggatc aacaagtttg tacaaaaaag
61ttggcaccat gctcagtctc aagctgcccc aacttcttca agtccaccag gtcccccggg
121tgttctggga agatggcatc atgtctggct accgccgccc caccagctcg gctttggact
181gtgtcctcag ctccttccag atgaccaacg agacggtcaa catctggact cacttcctgc
241ccacctggta cttcctgtgg cggctcctgg cgctggcggg cggccccggc ttccgtgcgg
301agccgtacca ctggccgctg ctggtcttcc tgctgcccgc ctgcctctac cccttcgcgt
361cgtgctgcgc gcacaccttc agctccatgt cgccccgcat gcgccacatc tgctacttcc
421tcgactacgg cgcgctcagc ctctacagtc tgggctgcgc cttcccctat gccgcctact
481ccatgccggc ctcctggctg cacggccacc tgcaccagtt ctttgtgcct gccgccgcac
541tcaactcctt cctgtgcacc ggcctctcct gctactcccg tttcctggag ctggaaagcc
601ctgggctcag taaggtcctc cgcacaggag ccttcgccta tccattcctg ttcgacaacc
661tcccactctt ttatcggctc gggctgtgct ggggcagggg ccacggctgt gggcaggagg
721ccctgagcac cagccatggc taccatctct tctgcgcgct gctcactggc ttcctcttcg
781cctcccacct gcctgaaagg ctggcaccag gacgctttga ttacatcggc cacagccacc
841agttattcca catctgtgca gtgctgggca cccacttcca gctggaggca gtgctggctg
901atatgggatc acgcagagcc tggctggcca cacaggaacc tgccctgggc ctggcaggca
961cagtggccac actggtcttg gctgcagctg ggaacctact cattattgct gctttcacag
1021ccaccctgct tcgggccccc agtacatgcc ctctgctgca gggtggccca ctggaggggg
1081gtacccaggc caaacaacag ttgccaactt tcttgtacaa agtggttggt aagcctatcc
1141ctaaccctct cctcggtctc gattctacgt agtaatgagc tagcgctaac cggtggcgcg
1201ttaagtcgac aatcaacctc tggatta

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