Transcript: Human XM_017016850.2

PREDICTED: Homo sapiens ATPase family AAA domain containing 1 (ATAD1), transcript variant X9, mRNA.

NCBI, updated 2019-09-08
Homo sapiens (human)
ATAD1 (84896)

Additional Resources:

NCBI RefSeq record:
NBCI Gene record:
ATAD1 (84896)

shRNA constructs matching this transcript with 100% SDR[?] match

This list includes all shRNAs that have a perfect SDR[?] match to Human XM_017016850.2, regardless of what transcript they were originally designed to target. For example, this list can include shRNAs that were originally designed to target: (i) a different isoform or obsolete version of this transcript (as annotated by NCBI), (ii) a transcript of an orthologous gene (in this collection, generally human-to-mouse or mouse-to-human), or (iii) a transcript of a different gene (from the same or different taxon).

Clone ID Target Seq Vector Match Position Match Region[?] SDR Match %[?] Intrinsic Score[?] Adjusted Score[?] Matches Other Human Gene?[?] Orig. Target Gene[?] Addgene[?]
1 TRCN0000233060 GGACCTTGACTCGGCTATAAT pLKO_005 961 CDS 100% 15.000 12.000 N ATAD1 n/a
2 TRCN0000233061 GAATCTGTTAGATCGTTTATT pLKO_005 2685 3UTR 100% 15.000 10.500 N ATAD1 n/a
3 TRCN0000233058 ATGTTACTTGGAGTGATATAG pLKO_005 408 5UTR 100% 13.200 9.240 N ATAD1 n/a
4 TRCN0000101557 GCATGTTACTTGGAGTGATAT pLKO.1 406 5UTR 100% 13.200 9.240 N Atad1 n/a
5 TRCN0000148038 GCATGTTACTTGGAGTGATAT pLKO.1 406 5UTR 100% 13.200 9.240 N ATAD1 n/a
6 TRCN0000308412 GCATGTTACTTGGAGTGATAT pLKO_005 406 5UTR 100% 13.200 9.240 N Atad1 n/a
7 TRCN0000233057 TTGGTGCAGTGACATACTTTA pLKO_005 225 5UTR 100% 13.200 9.240 N ATAD1 n/a
8 TRCN0000148037 GCTGTTACTAAGTGTGCTAAA pLKO.1 2319 3UTR 100% 10.800 7.560 N ATAD1 n/a
9 TRCN0000146875 CAAATGGATGGTAGATGCAAT pLKO.1 250 5UTR 100% 4.950 3.465 N ATAD1 n/a
10 TRCN0000147588 GATGTCATTACGGATCTGAAA pLKO.1 440 5UTR 100% 4.950 3.465 N ATAD1 n/a
11 TRCN0000147795 GCCATATATTGTACAGCCTTA pLKO.1 1568 3UTR 100% 4.050 2.835 N ATAD1 n/a
12 TRCN0000233059 GAAGCAGGCTGTCGATTTATT pLKO_005 683 CDS 100% 15.000 9.000 N ATAD1 n/a
13 TRCN0000147696 GAAATCAAAGGATGCAGCATT pLKO.1 1270 CDS 100% 4.950 2.970 N ATAD1 n/a
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shRNA constructs with at least a near match to this transcript

This list includes shRNAs that have at least a >84% (16 of 19 bases) SDR[?] match to the transcript XM_017016850.2, regardless of what transcript they were originally designed to target. For example, this list can include shRNAs that were originally designed to target: (i) a different isoform or obsolete version of this transcript (as annotated by NCBI), (ii) a transcript of an orthologous gene (in this collection, generally human-to-mouse or mouse-to-human), or (iii) a transcript of a different gene (from the same or different taxon). NOTE: this download is a superset of the above result set.

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All ORF constructs matching this transcript

Clone ID DNA Barcode Vector Sequenced %[?] Nuc. Match %[?] Prot. Match %[?] Epitope Tag Match Diffs[?] Addgene[?]
1 ccsbBroadEn_12874 pDONR223 100% 62.3% 62.3% None 1_273del n/a
2 ccsbBroad304_12874 pLX_304 0% 62.3% 62.3% V5 1_273del n/a
3 TRCN0000471361 TGATAAGCCGGCACACGCCACCCT pLX_317 98.7% 62.3% 62.3% V5 1_273del n/a
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