Transcript: Human NR_002728.3

Homo sapiens KCNQ1 opposite strand/antisense transcript 1 (KCNQ1OT1), long non-coding RNA.

NCBI, updated 2019-08-09
Homo sapiens (human)
KCNQ1OT1 (10984)

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NCBI RefSeq record:
NBCI Gene record:
KCNQ1OT1 (10984)

shRNA constructs matching this transcript with 100% SDR[?] match

This list includes all shRNAs that have a perfect SDR[?] match to Human NR_002728.3, regardless of what transcript they were originally designed to target. For example, this list can include shRNAs that were originally designed to target: (i) a different isoform or obsolete version of this transcript (as annotated by NCBI), (ii) a transcript of an orthologous gene (in this collection, generally human-to-mouse or mouse-to-human), or (iii) a transcript of a different gene (from the same or different taxon).

Clone ID Target Seq Vector Match Position Match Region[?] SDR Match %[?] Intrinsic Score[?] Adjusted Score[?] Matches Other Human Gene?[?] Orig. Target Gene[?] Addgene[?]
1 TRCN0000141337 CAGGGAGAATGGAACCAAGTT pLKO.1 61165 3UTR 100% 4.950 2.970 N FLJ44796 n/a
2 TRCN0000147028 CCAGACACAGAAAGACAAATA pLKO.1 72429 3UTR 100% 13.200 6.600 Y C22orf34 n/a
3 TRCN0000149311 GCCAGACACAGAAAGACAAAT pLKO.1 72428 3UTR 100% 13.200 6.600 Y C22orf34 n/a
4 TRCN0000121782 CCAGCCAAACTAAGCTTCATA pLKO.1 61550 3UTR 100% 5.625 2.813 Y FLJ44796 n/a
5 TRCN0000151984 CCAGTTAGAATGGCAATCATT pLKO.1 65120 3UTR 100% 5.625 2.813 Y LOC340211 n/a
6 TRCN0000134155 CCTTCCTTACACCTTATACAA pLKO.1 64625 3UTR 100% 5.625 2.813 Y FSIP2 n/a
7 TRCN0000166498 CGCCTGTAATCCCAGTACTTT pLKO.1 74150 3UTR 100% 5.625 2.813 Y MGC13053 n/a
8 TRCN0000145455 GCAAGAGCAAACACATTCAAA pLKO.1 62753 3UTR 100% 5.625 2.813 Y MAB21L3 n/a
9 TRCN0000021429 CACACCTGTAATCCCAGCATT pLKO.1 88505 3UTR 100% 4.950 2.475 Y ERN2 n/a
10 TRCN0000138998 CACACCTGTAATCCCAGCATT pLKO.1 88505 3UTR 100% 4.950 2.475 Y P3H4 n/a
11 TRCN0000344020 CACACCTGTAATCCCAGCATT pLKO_005 88505 3UTR 100% 4.950 2.475 Y P3H4 n/a
12 TRCN0000007228 CACCTGTAATCCCAGCACTTT pLKO.1 79503 3UTR 100% 4.950 2.475 Y CFLAR n/a
13 TRCN0000166635 CACCTGTAATCCCAGCACTTT pLKO.1 79503 3UTR 100% 4.950 2.475 Y C19orf31 n/a
14 TRCN0000166201 CATGGTGAAACCCTGTCTCTA pLKO.1 19905 3UTR 100% 4.950 2.475 Y ORAI2 n/a
15 TRCN0000141062 CCCACAAGAGAAAGCAGGAAA pLKO.1 62686 3UTR 100% 4.950 2.475 Y FLJ44796 n/a
16 TRCN0000159082 GAAACCATCATTCTCAGCAAA pLKO.1 65526 3UTR 100% 4.950 2.475 Y ANKRD30B n/a
17 TRCN0000136988 CCTCCAAGAAATATGGGACTA pLKO.1 61099 3UTR 100% 4.050 2.025 Y LOC440258 n/a
18 TRCN0000140719 GATCACTTGAGGTCAGGAGTT pLKO.1 19866 3UTR 100% 4.050 2.025 Y P3H4 n/a
19 TRCN0000165299 GATCACTTGAGGTCAGGAGTT pLKO.1 19866 3UTR 100% 4.050 2.025 Y ORAI2 n/a
20 TRCN0000352971 GATCACTTGAGGTCAGGAGTT pLKO_005 19866 3UTR 100% 4.050 2.025 Y P3H4 n/a
21 TRCN0000138140 GATTGAGACCATCCTGGCTAA pLKO.1 74205 3UTR 100% 4.050 2.025 Y LOC441087 n/a
22 TRCN0000137331 GCAGGATATTATCCAGGAGAA pLKO.1 61237 3UTR 100% 4.050 2.025 Y LOC440258 n/a
23 TRCN0000156019 CATGGAATACTATGCAGCCAT pLKO.1 65458 3UTR 100% 2.640 1.320 Y LOC340211 n/a
24 TRCN0000256748 GGCAGGAGAATTGCTTGAATC pLKO_005 19991 3UTR 100% 10.800 5.400 Y SMIM11A n/a
25 TRCN0000150972 CCACTCCTATTCAACATAGTA pLKO.1 63764 3UTR 100% 5.625 2.813 Y LOC401623 n/a
26 TRCN0000155836 CCCAAAGTGCTGGGATTACAA pLKO.1 68056 3UTR 100% 5.625 2.813 Y KLHL30 n/a
27 TRCN0000179120 CAACATGGTGAAACCCTGTTT pLKO.1 19902 3UTR 100% 4.950 2.475 Y LOC339059 n/a
28 TRCN0000122053 CCAACATTCAAATTCAGGATA pLKO.1 61281 3UTR 100% 4.950 2.475 Y FLJ44796 n/a
29 TRCN0000145364 GCACTAAACATGGAAAGGAAA pLKO.1 61661 3UTR 100% 4.950 2.475 Y FLJ44796 n/a
30 TRCN0000264189 CAAGTAGCTGGGACTACAGGA pLKO_005 67923 3UTR 100% 2.640 1.320 Y LINC01098 n/a
31 TRCN0000141025 CCCAAAGTGCTGGGATTACTT pLKO.1 68056 3UTR 100% 5.625 2.813 Y EID2B n/a
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shRNA constructs with at least a near match to this transcript

This list includes shRNAs that have at least a >84% (16 of 19 bases) SDR[?] match to the transcript NR_002728.3, regardless of what transcript they were originally designed to target. For example, this list can include shRNAs that were originally designed to target: (i) a different isoform or obsolete version of this transcript (as annotated by NCBI), (ii) a transcript of an orthologous gene (in this collection, generally human-to-mouse or mouse-to-human), or (iii) a transcript of a different gene (from the same or different taxon). NOTE: this download is a superset of the above result set.

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All ORF constructs matching this transcript

Clone ID DNA Barcode Vector Sequenced %[?] Nuc. Match %[?] Prot. Match %[?] Epitope Tag Match Diffs[?] Addgene[?]
1 ccsbBroadEn_13802 pDONR223 100% .7% None (many diffs) n/a
2 ccsbBroad304_13802 pLX_304 0% .7% V5 (many diffs) n/a
3 TRCN0000470799 AAGCCATAAGTTAGAAACAAACCG pLX_317 52.2% .7% V5 (many diffs) n/a
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